Ocean Acidification is when carbon dioxide is absorbed into ocean water and the ocean becomes very acidic. When the ocean gets more acidic, the balance of molecules needed for organisms that have shells and skeletons is altered. This causes the shells to of some sea creatures to dissolve or skeletons to be harder to create. Animals like crabs, sea stars, plankton, and sea urchins etc. are impaired with ocean acidificaiton. When these animals suffer so do the creatures that eat them affecting the entire food web. Humans are a huge contribution to ocean acidification from cars to factories making the CO2 in the air more abundant. We can help by cutting back on how much we drive cars or putting limits on states to how long you can run factories maybe.
Three things I've learned
1. I had no idea that ocean could absorb carbon dioxide, I thought polluting the ocean just meant oil spills or something.
2.Our ocean is more acidic now then any point in history.
3. This will also affect our ecosystem by making it harder to find fish when fishing if the acidity becomes worse
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