Squid Lab!
Six Interesting Facts About Squid
1.Squids have gills just like fish and has three hearts.
2. Some of the larger squid can weigh more than 1,000 pounds.
3. Most squid have only a one year life-span.
4. The only predators of the squid are mainly Sperm Whales.
5. Some species of squid are able to glow in the dark.
6. Some species have been found to live more than 13,000 feet deep in water.
The most interesting and disgusting thing we did is when our teacher Mrs. Wood came over, picked up the squids eyeball and smashed it. She showed us the lens inside of the eyeball. It was gross... She then told us that sailors used to capture squid, smash the eyeball and use the lens's to play marbles.
The thing I liked best was the ink sac because we would draw with it. The thing I didn't like was cutting it up into different parts and taking pictures of it.
I would give everyone gloves if I were to change something about the lab haha..
It was very slimy.
Heart/ink sack/Siphon,brain